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5 easiest ways to check pln customer id

How to check your PLN customer ID easily and without hassle. Find out more about how to check PLN ID here!

Previously, Jaka had discussed tips on How to Check Electricity Bills Online Via HP, so this time we will discuss how to find out the PLN customer ID number.

This is definitely what you really need because many of us still like to forget PLN customer numbers. Numbers from 11 to 12 digit this is a must to know.

This PLN customer number is very important because if you don't know this number, you won't be able to pay bills. Here's Jaka's discussion about how to check PLN customer ID easiest and hassle free.

How to check the ID of PLN prepaid and postpaid customers is the same, all methods can be used by both. From here you can also use it for fill in PLN electricity tokens too lol!

Please read the article below. If you already know how to check your PLN customer number, don't forget to write it down so you don't forget it in the future.

1. How to Check the PLN Customer ID Listed on the PLN Meter

photo source: theloenkz

How to find out the first PLN customer ID is to look directly at your PLN meter. Let me see barcodes what's on your meter.

Usually near code barcodes your PLN meter is available ranks 11-12 numbers, now that's your PLN customer number. Make sure it's really your customer ID, gang!

Checking Prepaid and Postpaid customer IDs in this way is the best the easiest and the most practical, most likely your customer ID is clearly written there.

If summarized briefly, here how to check the PLN customer ID listed on the PLN meter:

  1. Take note barcodes what's on your meter.
  2. Find ranks 11-12 numbers listed there.
  3. Finished! That's your PLN ID number.

2. Via PLN Payment Receipt

photo source: 2.bp.blogspot.com

To check the PLN Customer ID number, it turns out that you can 'peek' from the PLN payment receipt that you saved. This proof of payment receipt too contains customer number lol.

Try looking for the PLN receipt that you paid at the PLN branch office near your house, then look for it Customer ID on the top row of your PLN receipt.

This method of viewing PLN customer ID is often forgotten, and payment receipts are often thrown away. So, from now on, don't just throw away your PLN payment receipt, OK!

Summarized briefly, here a guide to getting a PLN ID number from the payment receipt:

  1. Look for past PLN payment receipts.
  2. Customer ID on the top row of your PLN receipt.
  3. Finished!

3. Via E-Commerce Payment Receipt

For those of you who have already paid PLN in best e-commerce site as Tokopedia, you can check your PLN customer number too!

The following is a guide to checking PLN customer numbers via e-commerce payment receipts:

  1. Open the email and look for the last date you paid your electricity bill, for example via Tokopedia.
  2. Find the PLN customer number listed on the receipt. Finished!

Check PLN IDpel This is guaranteed to be accurate because e-commerce sites always provide receipts based on customer data.

Now, if you want to pay for electricity via Tokopedia, first download the application below:

Apps Productivity Tokopedia DOWNLOAD

4. Via ATM Receipt

Photo source: quotabro.com

Well it turns out you can also check it via an ATM receipt! must have dong Do you pay PLN bills via ATM? You can know PLN ID you from the ATM receipt.

Here's how to find out the PLN customer id via ATM receipts:

  1. Look for ATM receipts used to pay PLN.
  2. Find your Customer ID Number in the middle of the receipt. Finished!

Don't forget also that the ink of this ATM receipt will gradually become increasingly unclear, so write down your PLN customer number before the ink fades and can't be read anymore.

5. Via PLN Customer Service

If you can't practice all the ways to find out the PLN customer number that Jaka shared before, there is nothing you can practice, the last possible way is to contact PLN Customer Service.

Service Customer Service this is how to find out the electricity bill number with your name or home address when you totally forgot PLN customer number.

You can directly come to the nearest PLN branch office by bring complete paperwork such as ID cards or family cards to ask for ID numbers. This is very helpful if you want to know how to find out the PLN customer ID from your home address.

Additional Tips So You Don't Forget PLN ID Again

Jaka has super important tips so you can check your electric ID when you forget. This method will automatically save your PLN customer number. Here's the guide!

  1. Pay electricity bills via Mobile Banking or Internet Banking.
  2. Before making a payment, select Save to Payment List.
  3. Finished! Your PLN ID has been recorded in the Mobile Banking payment history.

Oh yeah, if you want to know The latest PLN Electric Token price list 2020, you can read Jaka's article below this.


That's how to check your PLN customer ID easily and without hassle. Please choose the easiest way for you to do it, gang! I hope this article can help you!

This collection of methods is deliberately shared by Jaka because until now there are still many who forget their PLN ID numbers.

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