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10 countries with the most advanced technology, including Indonesia?

In your opinion, which country has the most advanced technology? Jaka has a list of the top 10 countries, is Indonesia included?

In today's era, technology has become an important element in a country. The more advanced the technology, usually the more advanced the country.

Of the many countries in the world, of course there are some that have more advanced technology than other countries.

Therefore, this time Jaka will give you a list country with the most advanced technology in this world!

Countries with the Most Advanced Technology

Technological advances in a country have a major impact on various sectors such as the economy and security.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many countries are developing technology so rapidly. Reported from various sources, here's a list of countries with the most advanced technology Jaka's version!

10. Russia

Photo source: Top Universities

As one of the United States' biggest rivals, it's not wrong if Russia also want to advance the technology so as not to be left behind.

In the era of the cold war, when Russia was still in the Soviet Union, they managed to send the first humans around orbit.

Russia also has a research institute named Moscow State University considered strong and innovative.

Many scientists in the fields of IT, communications, nuclear, aerospace, and outer space are produced by this country. Russia is also considered a country with the best defense technology in the world.

9. India

Photo source: World Finance

Despite its status as a developing country like Indonesia, India is one of the countries that is able to develop technology well.

Most of the software technology comes from India. Many of the top brass in large companies are led by Indians, such as Google and Microsoft.

Why is India like this? One of the reasons is that they have a university that teaches all the sciences of technology.

8. Canada

Photo source: Toronto Star

Canada it is also a suitable country for technologists. The Canadian government is also working hard to develop the technology in the country.

They develop communication technology, advance health innovation, improve space technology, quantum computing, and so on.

The technological specialty of this country is biotechnology. Canada has also created many advanced innovations such as Avro Arrow.

7. China

Photo source: MVP Factory

China may not be the king of technology, but we cannot deny that this country is very advanced thanks to rapid technological developments.

Electronic goods produced by China have flooded other countries, including Indonesia.

Many predict that China will become the most developed country in the next 10 to 20 years.

Chinese scientists are now focusing a lot on robotics, semiconductors, high-speed trains, supercomputers, and so on.

6. English

Photo source: UKTN

As a country that once ruled 1/3 of the Earth, it is not surprising if English made it onto this list. In fact, the industrial revolution started from this country.

Jet engines, locomotives, world wide web, electric motors, electric telegraphs, and so forth originated from this country. Lately, Britain has focused on military technology.

All British citizens have access to advanced technology, so they have all become accustomed to using technology in their daily affairs.

5. Germany

Photo source: Flood Control AsiaRS

Technology affairs, country German is the best in continental Europe. Since the era of the second world war, this country has produced many advanced technologies.

In fact, the research efforts carried out by this country are integrated with the Japanese economic system. German automotive technology is also outstanding for producing high-tech cars.

Many great discoveries originated in this country, such as the discovery of X-rays. There is nothing wrong with Pak Habibie deciding to continue his studies in this country.

4. Israel

Photo source: The Times of Israel

The technology industry owned by Israel including the most sophisticated in the world. They also develop many agricultural technology innovations to maximize plant growth.

Israel has the highest percentage of home computers in the world. Not to mention, this country also has the highest number of scientists and technicians in the world of work.

Israel also has a lot of futuristic military technology developments, such as defense systems Iron Dome and drones.

Around 35% of this country's exports are related to technology, proof that this country is one of the countries with the most advanced technology.

Numbers 3, 2, and 1 . . .

3. South Korea

Photo source: Samsung Global Newsroom

Three years younger than Indonesia, South Korea managed to enter the top three as the country with the most advanced technology in the world.

In fact, in the 1970s this country was still a poor country. In a short time, this country has succeeded in turning into a developed country thanks to all the efforts it does.

One of them is the rapid development of technology. Many electronic products produced by this country, such as Samsung and LG.

In fact, South Korea is considered the country with the fastest internet speed in the world.

2. United States of America

Photo source: WorldAtlas

Compared to other countries, United States of America is one of the countries with the fastest technological developments.

Apart from the technology we use every day, this country is also developing military technology that is probably the best in the world.

Not to mention the space technology that made humans for the first time managed to step on the Moon for the first time.

Moreover, the United States also has Silicon Valley which is famous as the headquarters of many giant technology companies in the world.

Examples of technology companies from the United States? Call it Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Intel, IBM, and so on.

1. Japan

Photo source: CNBC

In the first place, none other than that, is Japan. This country, which has many wibunya, has been known since ancient times as a country with various advanced technologies.

It must be admitted that Japanese research scientists have made major contributions in various fields, ranging from automobiles, electronics, machinery, industrial robots, and so on.

Japanese researchers have won many Nobel prizes. One of Japan's specialties is their achievements in various fields, from biotechnology to robotics.

There are so many technological innovations originating from this country, so it is not wrong if it is considered the number 1 country with the most advanced technology.

Really love Indonesia not yet on the list of countries with the most advanced technology. But it is not impossible that in the next few years Indonesia can enter the top 10.

If Indonesia has advanced technology in various sectors, it is not impossible that our position as a developing country can rise to the level of a developed country.

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