Antivirus & Security

watch out! 5 cases of slowness on this laptop turned out to be caused by antivirus

Although useful for protecting laptops from virus attacks, antivirus can also cause laptops to slow down, aka slow you know! Here are 5 cases of slowness on a laptop caused by antivirus.

Antivirus is actually software that was created to deal with viruses that cause a device to slow down or slow down. But have you ever imagined that software this one actually makes your PC or laptop slow?

Yes, in addition to cleaning our laptops from various viruses, antivirus can actually cause the laptop to slow down when carrying out certain activities. Anything? Here's 5 slow case on laptop caused by antivirus.

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5 Slow Cases on This Laptop Turns Out to be Caused by Antivirus

1. Loading a Site

In activity browsing using a laptop, have you ever felt the process loading long enough to open a site? It could be caused by the antivirus you are using. In fact, the presence of an antivirus can cause a decrease in speed loading a site on the laptop up to 11-16%.

2. Download the App

In addition to opening a site, in fact antivirus can also cause a decrease in speed on the laptop when downloading applications or programs. Yes, the use of antivirus can cause a decrease in laptop performance when applications as much as 3-4%.

3. Starting the App

In addition to various activities while browsing, the presence and use of an antivirus can also cause the laptop to slow down when starting orlaunch a program or application. The decrease in performance, in this case speed, on laptops decreases by 9-15% when starting an application.

4. Install the App

The use of antivirus turned out to cause a decrease in speed performance on the biggest laptop for this one activity. Yes, the presence of an antivirus on your laptop turns out to cause a speed reduction of 26-35% when you try to install a certain application or program. Quite a significant drop in speed, right?

5. Copy Files

In addition to the four things above, one more activity on your laptop that will slow down aka slow because of the presence of an antivirus, namely copying files. Yes, during the process of moving files, either from one folder to another, disc to disc otherwise, to copying or receiving files between devices, this process will experience a speed drop of 7-18%.

That's five a slow case on a laptop that turns out to be caused by the presence and use of antivirus. Is your laptop one of those experiencing the five things above? Even so, that doesn't mean you have to stop using antivirus. Because the software is still important to protect your laptop from various viruses and malware.

Also read articles about Anti Virus or other interesting articles from Reynaldi Manasse.

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