
watch together app on android + how to use it

Want to watch with your girlfriend but afraid of getting the corona virus? Calm down, here Jaka will discuss the application to watch together on Android + how to use it, gang.

It doesn't matter if you are a sultan or just a friend missqueen, your life for sure rocked thanks to the case pandemic corona virus which has spread all over the world.

Many films have been postponed due to the corona virus and with policy social distancing from the government, watching shows with girlfriends should also be postponed.

But, deep in the eyes doesn't have to be deep in the heart and here, Jaka has a guide how to watch together on Android so you can stay close to your partner, gang!

Watch Together Application on Android

Due to the corona virus, Jaka is sure that many of you are currently at home from the office and have to complete your work using the work from home application.

But, even though you are required to be miserable working alone at home, that doesn't mean you also have to have fun alone at home, gang.

Fortunately, technological developments have resulted in watch app together with friends or girlfriends even though you are physically in different locations.

How to Watch Together on Android With the Rave App

Laptop or PC users are a little more fortunate because they have several choices of services and movie-watching sites that can be used.

Unfortunately, for Android users today we only have one choice, namely the application Rave.

But don't worry, because quality is above quantity, and luckily Rave is more than enough to facilitate watching shows with you guys.

Curious how to use this application? You can see the guide how to watch together on Android with the Rave app following!

  • Step 1 - Download the watching application with Rave via the link that Jaka has provided below and install the apk.
  • Step 2 - Open the application and the user will be given a short tutorial. Swipe the screen to the left until the user finds the screen Sign In.
  • Step 3 - In this example, ApkVenue will use sign in with Google. Select the Google account you want to use to continue.
  • Step 4 - Rave will ask permission to access User Location. Tap ok and tap Allow in pop up that came out.
  • Step 5 - On the main screen, users can choose to join an ongoing viewing session. Here, ApkVenue chooses to create a new session by tapping the icon +.
  • Step 6 - Users will be faced with a choice of movie watching services and applications. Here, ApkVenue will use YouTube as an example.
  • Step 7 - Use the search box to select the videos you want to watch together. Here, ApkVenue uses the appearance video BLACKPINK in Coachella.
  • Step 8 - To ensure that there are no unwanted interruptions, make sure you have selected the option Invite Only for this session.
  • Step 9 - You can invite other people to this session via the chat apps listed below or by tapping the icon Add.
  • Step 10 - To liven up the session, you can also use the chat box to send a message or tap the icon Microphone for features voice chat.

Well, with the help of this application, you can still be excited to watch the latest K-Pop video clips while still watching videos follow the advice social distancing from the government, gang.

Uniquely, Rave can also be used as an impromptu karaoke application so you don't have to be alone or unclear during this corona emergency period.

That's the discussion watch together app on Android + how to use it from Jaka, gang. Social distancing That doesn't mean you have to wean alone.

For those of you who are in a long distance relationship or the language of the South Jakarta child, long distance relationship, this application can also be used to maintain your relationship, you know.

What do you think about the Rave app? Do you have any recommendations for similar applications? Share in the comments column yes!

Also read articles about Watch app or other interesting articles from Reynaldi Manasse.

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