Social & Messaging

how to hack someone else's facebook profile picture without getting caught

Jaka this time will give you tips on how to hack alias change other people's Facebook profile photos without being caught. No need for additional applications or software, let alone root the device, you can do this easily.

On social media, alias profile photo profile picture usually the best photo or the photo that best describes the account owner. Of course, no one wants their profile picture to be changed without their permission.

This time, Jaka will tell you how to hack alias change someone else's Facebook profile photo without being caught.

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How to Hack Other People's Facebook Profile Photos

Yes. Without the need to use additional applications or software, let alone having to do root on the device you have, you can actually change other people's Facebook profile photos easily and without being caught. You don't even need password Facebook account of the person you want to hack you know!


You can apply this method on your PC or laptop. In this example, Jaka will try to hack the profile photo of one of Jaka's best friends, namely Satria Aji Purwoko. To be able to change other people's profile photos on Facebook, you just need to follow the steps that Jaka provides below:

  • The first step is to go to the target's Facebook profile, aka the person you want to secretly change their profile picture for.
  • Continue by right-clicking on the target's profile photo, then selecting Inspect or Inspect Element.
  • Next, immediately select the photo you want to make as a new profile photo to replace the target's old profile photo. Copy the _link _ on the photo.
  • Enter a copy link photo just to the page that appears after you click Inspect Element. Change link old profile picture with link the new profile photo that you have specified.
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  • The target profile photo has been officially replaced with the new profile photo you specified.

That's the easy way to hack someone else's facebook profile photo without the need to use additional applications or software. Jaka reminds you that the profile photo will only be replaced on the Facebook page that you visited at that time. Even so, you can still prank your friends because you can make the above method a part of prank. Good luck!

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