
download animal crossing: pocket camp android apk

Want to download Animal Crossing Pocket Camp for free? It's just right, ApkVenue has provided the Animal Crossing Pocket Camp APK, it's free for you!

Want to download Animal Crossing? Want to play but can't find it on the Play Store? So what if it's not on the Play Store?

If you are looking for this game on the Play Store, it might be difficult to find it. Due to the latest series, Animal Crossing: New Horizon only available for Nintendo Switch console.

The mobile version of this game itself, namely Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, also does not enter Indonesia, so for Android users in Indonesia, it will be a little difficult to play this one game.

But don't worry, Jaka has Animal Crossing game APK which you can download for free, and ApkVenue has tried it and the game is indeed Really good!

Download Game Animal Crossing Pocket Camp APK

Nintendo Switch console players must be familiar with the game series Animal Crossing because there are so many variations of the title of this game.

For Android and iOS devices, there is a game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp which can be an interesting alternative for those of you who are interested in franchise this game.

This game is a simulation genre and was developed by Nintendo. Animal Crossing is suitable for all ages to play, from your parents to your little nephews.

After downloading Animal Crossing Android, you can do various things in it such as building houses, collecting antiques, and much more.

Minimum Specs for Animal Crossing Game: Pocket Camp

This Animal Crossing Pocket Camp APK game is available for Android and iOS users. For Android users, it takes at least OS 4.4 or later.

You also need minimal RAM 1.5GB so that you can play this game smoothly. Storageitself needs approx 150MB.

For iOS users, you can play this cellphone if your device is already using iOS 9.0 or later.

The minimum specifications of this game are a bit heavy compared to other Android games, but this is worth the gaming experience that you will feel.

Download Link Game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp APK

This game has 3D graphics that are very pleasing to the eye, gang! The movement control is also very smooth, very comfortable to control.

Therefore, the APK file size of this game is also quite large. You also still have to download the file again when opening the game.

Even so, according to Jaka this game is very worth it to try. Curious? Just download the game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp APK below this!

Nintendo Simulation Games DOWNLOAD

If you have completed the download process, you can perform the installation as usual. Make sure you have given access so that your cellphone can install applications that come from outside the Play Store.

Games Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a game that can be played for free. But there are some items that can be purchased using Leaf Tickets.

Features of Animal Crossing Game: Pocket Camp

What makes this game so addicting is that the players will experience life in a social simulation in a world inhabited by animals.

Similar to RPG games, you can create your avatar however you want, and you can also do activities that you like.

There are many more features that you can explore after downloading this Animal Crossing Android game, guaranteed to make you feel at home holding your cellphone. Some of the most interesting main features of this game include:

1. Campground Decoration and Furniture Making

Not only avatar, you can too decorating campsites that you occupy. You can make it look cute or sporty.

Materials such as wood and cotton must be gathered so that you can make furniture to enhance the look of the campsite.

Starting from the tent, hammock alias hammock, until the fireplace you can set according to taste. You can even make a cafe outdoor the cool one!

Here you can expand the building you live in to your heart's content, add as many interesting ornaments as you want, and you can also visit other people's camps.

2. Helping the Animals

In this game world, the inhabitants are animals with human bodies. Similar to the legendary anime Dragon Ball, gang! There are more than 100 animals with unique personalities.

Each animal will give quest special to come to your camp. Your job is to fulfill quest the.

Some are looking for fish, fruit, insects, or other tasks. Don't worry, you will get rewarded if you successfully complete the request.

The animals in the Animal Crossing Mobile game are also scattered in various locations. You can approach them to find out their request.

Well, each of these animals also has some kind of friendship level. The higher the level, the easier it is for you to invite them to come to your camp.

The more animals that come to your campsite, the merrier the atmosphere of your camp will be.

Summarized, game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp is a game that will let you explore, meet friends and collect items to build the camp of your dreams.

Moreover, this game has an above average graphic display that makes us feel like we are playing on the Nintendo Switch console.

Any other Nintendo games you want to play on your phone? Don't forget to write in the comments column, OK!

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