
this is an easy way to play youtube in android background

Want to open Youtube while opening another application? Let's follow how to play Youtube in the Android background. Guaranteed to work!

In the past few years, YouTube has slowly replaced TV all over the world. In one platform, we can find anything, from reality shows, daily vlogs, to even food recipes on YouTube.

Unfortunately, if we access YouTube via an Android smartphone, the video won't play when we exit the application.

Surely this is a bad scourge for those who are fond of listening to music via YouTube.

But don't worry guys, now ApkVenue has a way to play Youtube in the background of an Android cellphone in an easy way. That way, you can immediately watch Youtube while opening another application!

Easy Ways to Play YouTube on Android Background

But don't worry, it turns out that there are ways that we can use so that YouTube videos can still run even if we exit the application. It can also be called YouTube videos keep playing in the Android background.

Actually there are several ways that can be used to keep YouTube videos running on YouTube background, one of which uses a browser Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.

However, this method with the browser is the most recommended, because other methods are paid and not optimal.

Actually both browsers have the same way to get play YouTube videos in Android background you. Don't watch it right away!

Step 1 - Open Youtube in browser

open YouTube website in your Chrome or Mozilla browser, then open the video you want to play.

Step 2 - Open the tab menu

open tab menu on the top right and select Request desktop site.

Step 3 - Exit Chrome browser

If so, exit your Chrome or Mozilla browser and then look at notification menu. There you will find the option to pause or play YouTube videos.

Step 4 - Press play on browser

When you exit the browser, the video will automatically stop. But calm down, you just need press play button return to the notification menu so that the video plays again.

Step 5 - Done

The video you are playing now can run on Android backgrounds you!

Note: If when you try to open the YouTube website and you are immediately directed to the application, you can go to Settings > Applications > Default applications > Default app selection > then select Ask before.

That's how to play YouTube videos in the background Android so that videos can still run even if you do other things on your smartphone.

How? So easy right? Now you don't have to be confused anymore to listen to songs or podcasts while doing other activities on your smartphone.

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