Social & Messaging

how to delete other people's instagram photos without hack

A new way to have fun on Instagram, this time Jaka will tell you how to delete other people's Instagram photos without a hack!

Instagram is now one of the most popular and widely used social media. The many exciting features in addition to justpost photo indeed so the main attraction for Instagram.

Again, Jaka will share tips about Instagram, this time it's how how to delete other people's Instagram photos without need hack.

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How To Delete Other People's Instagram Photos Without Hack

Even though Jaka has often given tips to find out passwords or tap Instagram, you don't really need to do that to be able to do that delete photo on someone else's Instagram account. In fact, you can do it without the help of any additional apps!

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Curious how? Just follow the steps that Jaka gave below:

  • Just go to the target Instagram account aka the person you want to delete the photo. With a note, the person you are referring to is a friend or relative ever you tags in the photo you post. After arriving at the account, select the photo list on the far right, then choose one photo which is the result tags from your account.
  • choose three dots icon at the top right of the photo, then select Edit.
  • choose tag icon with people logo (usually located at the bottom left), then select the target Instagram account.
  • Press the account, then it will appear X sign. Press the X to remove it from the photo. Then automatically, the photo will disappear alias deleted from his Instagram account.

That's the easy way delete other people's Instagram photos without the need to do hacking or tap into that person's account. Now you can have a little fun with your friends or relatives on Instagram and see how they react when they find out that their photos are reduced or something is missing. Good luck!

Also read articles about Hack or other interesting articles from Reynaldi Manasse.

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