Out Of Tech

an easy way to edit videos to be cinematic, just use a cellphone!

Do you want to make videos with the quality of Hollywood movies? It's easy, just follow how to edit the video so it's cinematic below!

Do you like video editing?

If so, then you should know how to edit videos to make them cinematic. You don't need expensive and bulky equipment.

To edit a video to make it cinematic, you can use a video editing application from your cellphone, you know. So, you can edit anywhere.

Well, here Jaka gives a trick to edit videos to make them cinematic. Come on, see more!

Easy Ways to Edit Videos So Cinematic

Video editing is an activity of assembling and manipulating videos that have been recorded using editing tools or applications.

Professional video editing is usually done using a PC, but now you can edit on a cellphone. So, there is no longer any reason to be lazy to make videos.

Not only that, you can also record videos via HP. Moreover, the quality of HP cameras has competed with DSLRs.

Well, editing videos using cellphones is quite different, gang. You can see the tricks for editing videos easily below!

1. Use the Anamorphic Bar

First is the use of Anamorphic Bar or black line at the top and bottom of the screen to make the video appear stretched.

You can download Anamorphic Bar on the internet in PNG format. So that later you just paste it during editing.

However, using the Anamorphic Bar will of course cut the frames in the video, so make sure the object you are recording is not too close to the camera when recording.

2. Edit With a Qualified Editing Application

Next is editing with the best video editing application. Using the right application will affect the results of the video you edit.

One of the applications that ApkVenue recommends is KineMaster. This application is free for you to download and use on your cellphone.

KineMaster Corporation Video & Audio Apps DOWNLOAD

However, you can take advantage of more features by subscribing. This subscription system is also applied to other editing applications in general.

3. Use Black and White

Well, if your video has poor color quality. Then use black and white or monochrome will make the video more pleasing to the eye.

Monochrome colors produce balanced colors and add a classic impression to the videos you make.

4. Next Editing Trick

The next thing you should pay attention to is the audio. To find out more about why audio is so important, watch the full video in the video, guys!

Jaka also provides examples of ordinary videos that are made into cinematics. Come on, watch the video!

That's how to edit videos to be cinematic using a cellphone. This way, you don't have to put in extra effort to make cinematic videos.

Write your opinion in the comments column, yes. See you in the next article!

Also read articles about video editing or other interesting articles from Daniel Cahyadi.

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