Tech Hack

how to find someone's location via whatsapp on cellphone

How to find out someone's location via WhatsApp on your cellphone can help those of you who are worried about the whereabouts of your girlfriend, friends, or family. Find out how here!

Have you ever been surprised because the boyfriend hasn't come even though he's been saying this "otw"? Or your sister went to play but didn't say where she was going? It's very worrying!

Well, do you know that you can actually track someone's location with only WhatsApp, an application? chat most popular that almost everyone uses, gang.

Maybe the method will be a little complicated, but you just have to look at Jaka's review carefully to know how to find out someone's location via WhatsApp on HP.

How to Track Someone's Whereabouts via the Latest WhatsApp 2020

Photo source: How to find someone's location via WA easily and accurately.

Don't think that first how to track someone's whereabouts via WhatsApp This has to do with negativity, gang. The reason is, there are several positive benefits that you can get with this method.

For example, when you aim to track someone's location on WhatsApp, this can actually help reduce anxiety and worry when someone you love suddenly doesn't hear from you.

Like your sister who often goes to bring gadgets but don't say goodbye or suspect a girlfriend who suddenly disappears without any news and often ignores your WA chat even though on line.

You can also use this tutorial as a way to track a lost cellphone via WA if for example your cellphone is found by someone else who intends to return it.

Difference Between Tracking Location & Tapping Numbers on WhatsApp

If you look at the purpose and intent, how to track other people's WA numbers on cellphones includes things that are still reasonable and make sense!

In contrast to wiretapping which generally has a negative context, gangs. Then what is the difference between the two? Check out the review points below until you understand!

Tapping (Hacking)

  • Tapping according to KBBI means listening to (recording) information (secrets, talks) of other people intentionally without the person's knowledge.
  • Tapping is done to obtain personal information secretly without the person's knowledge and consent.
  • Tapping has a negative purpose that can cause legal problems with other people.

Here, gang, if you want to know how the characteristics of WhatsApp are being hacked, hurry up and read before your WhatsApp is hacked by someone else.


Track (Monitoring)

  • Track or monitoring according to KBBI means monitoring, observing, or checking carefully, especially with a special purpose; monitor.
  • Monitoring have no intention or purpose to harm others. More of a preventive measure to monitor and protect others from threats.

If you look at the context, it is clear that knowing the location of WhatsApp should fall into the category of tracking aliases monitoring, not tapping.

So tracking this WA number is more to ensure the presence of other people you recognize, gang. But the purpose and meaning of course return to the hands of each of you.

A collection of ways to track someone's location via WhatsApp

Photo source: How to track someone's location without being noticed via WA

The latest WhatsApp features are indeed quite useful for its users, including the feature of how to find out the location of someone via WA in your contact list.

Of course, in addition to the official features provided, there is also a method to track someone's location via WhatsApp on a cellphone without the need for other people to know.

1. How to Find Someone's Location Via Official WhatsApp

As referred to in the initial discussion, WhatsApp also has a feature to track other people's locations even online real-time aka direct.

Here, of course, you have to know the person you want to track their location and ask them to use the feature Live Location, gang.

Well, to use the feature of how to track location via WA, you can follow some easy steps as follows.

  • Step 1: Open the WhatsApp application and select the person or group you want to share with live location. Tap icon paperclip at the bottom and select an option Location. To share live location you tap option Share current location.

Photo source: The first step of how to find out someone's location via WhatsApp is through the default feature.


If you select the option Send your current location, then WhatsApp will send the last location where you sent the message, gang.

  • Step 2: Then fill in the duration of sharing live location and fill in the message in the column provided, tap Send to start sending. Other people who receive your message can now see your location in real time, including when you move.

Photo source: Display when the feature how to track location via WA is activated.

Pretty easy, right? This WhatsApp Live Location feature will also automatically stop after passing the duration you specified earlier.

You can also stop before the time runs out by tapping Stop sharing on the location message that you shared earlier, gang.

2. How to Track WhatsApp Number with HLR Lookup Application

For how to track the second WA number, you can use an application called HLR Lookup. In this application you can track HLR (Home Location Register) which will tell provider and customer location.

You can really do this method, for example when you get a fraudulent message via WhatsApp and you want to know where the location of the perpetrator, the gang.

You can find out the location of someone via WhatsApp on your cellphone without being noticed quite easily. how do?

  • Step 1:Download and install application HLR Lookup through the link that Jaka has provided below, gang.
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  • Step 2: Open the HLR Lookup application and all you have to do is enter the WhatsApp scammer number you want to track. If you have just tap the button Send.

Photo source: Initial view of the HRL Lookup application, an alternative way to find out someone's location via WA.

  • Step 3: Wait a while until you are notified of area code details, services provider, country, region, and city of the number. You can also share the information by tapping the icon Share in the below section.

Photo source: Display information that you get in this alternative application how to track this WA number.

This method of tracking WhatsApp numbers is indeed less accurate and will not give you the exact location of the person you want to track.

But at least, you can predict where the perpetrator came from. Especially from the information where the number is registered.

3. How to View Locations of WhatsApp Friends with Google Maps

The last way to track your location via WA is using the default application on an Android phone, namely: Google Maps lol.

In addition to navigation, it turns out that this application made by Google also has many useful features. One of them is direct location sharing with a fairly high level of accuracy.

Here you can also share this Google Maps location via WhatsApp by following these steps.

  • Step 1: Open the Google Maps application on your Android phone. On the main page tap icon hamburger and select an option Location sharing as follows.

Photo source: Initial view when using Google Maps as a way to find out someone's location via WA.

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  • Step 2: To start sharing so others can track your location, all you have to do is tap Start. Several sharing options will appear, here you just have to choose WhatsApp.

Photo source: The display when how to track this WA number is connected to the application.

  • Step 3: Select the contact you want to send the location to and the result will be like this. Link it will direct you to Google Maps to track your location, gang.

Photo source: The final step when using Google Maps as an alternative way to track a WA number.

How to track this WA number, all you have to do is tell and apply it, either to friends, family, or girlfriends who you want to track where they are.

In a way that is fairly easy, you shouldn't be too difficult to direct it, right?

Bonus: Recommendations for the Most Accurate Mobile Number Tracker Application in 2020

In addition to the application that ApkVenue uses above, there are actually several alternatives Accurate mobile number tracking app what you can try, gang.

Some of the applications below also function to track the location of a lost cellphone as well. So it will be quite useful when there is an emergency.

Are you curious about what applications can be used as an alternative way to track someone's location without being known? Here's more info.

1. Google Find My Device

The first application that ApkVenue recommends is Google Find My Device made official by Google to track lost Android phones.

In this application you only need to know your email and email password which is connected to the lost Android HP device for you to know its position.

How to find out someone's location via WA using this one application is also quite easy, gang.

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2. Prey Anti Theft

Prey Anti Theft is also another cell phone tracker app to track devices in real real-time more complex and accurate.

This app tracker uses GPS coordinates as well as some other features, like Control Zone, Alarm, Security Camouflage, and many others.

This app recommended really for those of you who need an alternative way to track location via WA.

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More Mobile Number Tracking Apps...

For those of you who want to know recommendations for other cellphone number tracking applications that are worthy of your use, Jaka has summarized it in full in the following article.


Well, that's an easy way to track your location via the WhatsApp application directly using the Android phone you are using.

Of course, with a number of methods above, you can track the location of the closest people around you or also find out the location of fraudsters who are trying to trick you, gang.

Have any other recommendations? Don't forget to share in the comments column below and share this article to continue to get more information, tips and tricks on

Also read articles about WhatsApp or other interesting articles from Naufaludin Ismail

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