
tips and tricks for criminal cases to always be full of energy

How can you get stars quickly if the Energy to solve the case runs out quickly, right? Well JalanTikus has Tips and Tricks for Criminal Case to always be Full Energy. Here's how.

Who doesn't know the game Criminal Case? If you have Facebook, it could be that your notifications are just invite-an game Criminal Case. Especially when you're single, it's obvious that your FB notifications are full of Criminal Case notifications from friends who beg for Energy. Criminal Case is a game that relies on reflexes, intelligence, accuracy, and speed to solve problems in a case. In this game, the player plays the role of a police officer who uncovers the mysteries of the case.

  • MOD Coin and Energy Criminal Case on Android with Xmodgames

Of course, when you play Criminal Case, you are always constrained by the energy that runs out quickly. How can you quickly get stars if the Energy to solve the case runs out quickly, right? Well JalanTikus has Criminal Case Tips and Tricks to always be Full Energy. Here's how:

Criminal Case Tips and Tricks To Always Full Energy

  • Play your Criminal Case game until the energy runs out. For a full return, it usually takes hours.

  • Instead of having to wait for your Energy full Again, you can reset the clock on your smartphone to be three hours faster or you can change the date one day earlier.

  • Well, not long after changing the date, a notification will appear energy bar you full back from the game Criminal Case.

  • Well, open your Criminal Case again. Your energy is already full okay.

So easy right? Those are Criminal Case tips and tricks to always have Full Energy from JalanTikus. Let's download the latest Criminal Case on JalanTikus right now. If you have another way, share it in the comments column.

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