
how to make your own magazine digitally

The advantages of digital magazines over print magazines are that they are simpler and easier to carry. Even more exciting, digital has video support so that it adds to the reading experience. JalanTikus will provide tips on making digital magazines.

Magazines are print media containing various information which are usually full of pictures and have stylehis own. The rapid development of technology has made the printed version of the magazine a little bit interested because people prefer digital magazines on their gadgets.

The advantages of digital magazines over print magazines are that they are simpler and easier to carry. Even more exciting, the digital version has video support so that it adds to the reading experience. Well, this time JalanTikus will provide tips on making your own digital magazine through the application Steller and Photo Collage.

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How to Make a Digital Magazine

Before proceeding to the first step, you should first download and install the applications needed for the tutorials how to make a digital magazine this time.

Apps Social & Messaging Mombo Labs, Inc. DOWNLOAD

Download Photo Collage

Please install both applications and open the application Photo Collage. Actually, it doesn't have to be Photo Collage, we can use other photo editing applications, but according to Jaka it's easier to use Photo Collage.

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Make Magazine Cover Through Photo Collage

  • After Photo Collage opens, please click on the option Magazine.
  • Choose templates magazine that will be used, choose according to taste.
  • Then select the photo you want to use cover magazine later.
  • Please edit to your heart's content. You can add text, stickers, and more.
  • When you're done, don't forget Save and select the photo resolution. To Cover It is finished.

After finished making cover, then make the contents of the magazine. For the contents of the magazine, you are free to fill it. Merge several photos into one using the Photo Collage application by selecting borders or templates which exists.

Next Publish To Steller

  • Once done, next publish to social media. Here, Jaka will publish it through the Steller application. If you don't have it, please download it first and register a new account if you don't have an account. If you already have an account, go ahead login and click on pencil drawing blue circle to make story new.
  • Choose the theme and select the photos that have been made through the Photo Collage application, including cover and its contents.
  • Fill in the text with the information in the photo. And taraaaaa... The digital magazine is ready for-publish. Please publish and wait for readers to come.

Steller is a photo app share new that is almost similar to Instagram. But the difference is, Steller focuses more on sharing photos with stories, making them more unique. The gallery display is also interesting as if we were opening a book. You can also add videos like Instagram.

So, those were the tips for making your own JalanTikus version of the magazine. Of course you can develop your own creations to make them more interesting to look at.

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